International Faculty Mentoring Program at BCOE


The IFMP aims to provide support for newly-hired international faculty (IF) at the BCOE by identifying colleagues who will serve as mentors through phases of relocation, orientation, and the first year of adjustment. The program draws on resources in the BCOE Website /Interactive Guide for International Faculty and complements similar programs at the university level, such as services provided by the KSU Human Resources Office (HRO) and the Division of Global Engagement (DGE). Ultimately, the IFMP contributes to the KSU Strategic Initiative of building an Inclusive Culture that “embraces the values that shape our (university’s) work; conscientiously fosters and supports a high quality of life…for employees and students; (and) creates career development programs…so each person has opportunities to grow professionally and personally…”


IFMP mentorship is considered a voluntary service. IFMP mentors will work with the BCOE International Point Person (IPP) who is responsible for program coordination. The IFMP program will span three phases: a) before the IF’s arrival b) their first week at KSU and c) after one year of employment at KSU.

Ideally, IFMP mentors will be selected from the same department of the newly-hired IF. Aside from clarifying information that can be accessed through the website/interactive guide, the mentors’ role is to personalize the relocation and orientation process by building awareness of the IF’s background pertinent to their immigration status, cultural and linguistic orientation, needs in terms of accompanying family members, career development, etc.

IFMP Mentor Responsibilities:

Before Arriving at KSU/BCOE

  • Get oriented: The mentor will visit the Website/interactive Guide to peruse the information and attend the orientation session hosted by the IPP. 
  • Email communication. Upon being assigned an IF, the mentor will touch base with the IF via email to:
    • Welcome the IF to BCOE, introduce themselves, and give an overview of the mentor’s role
    • Point the IF to the Website/interactive Guide and other resources (HRO, DGE). The mentor can encourage the IF to explore resources for “Orientation I” and “Orientation II” as the information needs to be considered before arriving in the US.
    • Schedule an on-line meeting
  • On-line meeting. During the on-line meeting, the IF and mentor will discuss the IF’s background with the goal of:
    • Ascertaining any pertinent needs, for example: housing, children’s schooling (if applicable), dietary restrictions, mobile phone cards.
    • Clarifying any KSU-related and other official matters, such as scheduling an orientation session with HRO, requesting letters to be presented to immigration, opening a bank account, selecting health insurance, etc.
    • Sharing the mentor’s experiences of living locally, working at KSU, social activities, etc.
  • Follow-up. The mentor will follow-up with the IF via email or through a second on-line session at least 10 days before arrival. The follow-up will focus on any additional information that the IF may need, and to schedule a face-to-face meeting after the IF’s arrival. The mentor could also share their phone number for the IF to keep in touch.

First week at KSU

  • Welcome email/phone call. The mentor will get in touch with the IF to check on their travel and also suggest that they revisit “Orientation II” about what they could expect after arrival.
  • Face-to-face meetings/welcome packet. The mentor will arrange to meet the IF a few days after their arrival. This will be an opportunity to present the IF with a welcome packet and check on the IF’s situation in terms of
    • Personal well-being: housing, transportation, children’s schooling (if applicable), dietary restrictions, banking, mobile phone cards.
    • Meeting co-workers: the mentor could arrange for the IF to meet colleagues in the department and liaise with staff responsible for setting-up their office.
    • Official matters: Including attending HRO orientation, selecting health insurance and retirement plans, etc.
  • Focus on teaching, research, and service. The interactive webpage has resources for teaching in the US, CETL, and the BCOE RCC. Aside from referring the IF to these resources, the mentor and IF can arrange to meet regarding
    • Teaching. Some departments have designated mentors for new faculty. The
      international mentors could serve as a further support if this is the case. If a regular mentor has not been assigned, the international mentor could point the IF to teaching resources in the KSU website, the department D2L page (e.g. course planning templates, policies on attendance, academic honesty, SETs and other forms of teaching evaluation), and sessions available through Owl Express and CETL.
    • Research. Aside from joining the RCC, the mentor could introduce the IF to BCOE faculty with similar research interests. The HRO orientation also includes an introduction to the KSU Office of Research, which provides information on grants and internal research support.
    • Service. In light of the IF’s professional interest, the mentor could suggest department, college, and university-level committees and organizations on which the IF could serve. The mentor could also point the IF to organizations in the broader community with missions that coincide with the IF’s background of engagement and service.

First year at KSU

  • Scheduled meetings. Mentors are encouraged to check on the IF at least twice during a semester (face to face) and more frequently via email.
  • Orientation III. During the second month, mentors will remind IF to view the third section on the Webpage.
  • Promotion and Tenure. Newly-hired faculty have an expedited schedule in terms of the Faculty Performance Agreement (FPA) and Annual Review Document (ARD). One face-to-face meeting can be devoted to how to document the FPA and ARDs on Digital Measures. The mentor can suggest how the IF can strengthen their professional trajectories while at KSU. CETL also holds sessions on P&T.
  • Finances. The mentor could share their strategies for taxes, building credit, investments, etc.
  • Follow-up on immigration matters. Such as residency requirements and eventually, eligibility for permanent residency.

Join the BCOE International Faculty Mentoring Program

Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining the International Faculty Mentoring Program
